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Quality Construction, Trusted Results

Corporate Head Office of HLL Lifecare
Construction of Multi-storied building at the Campus of Corporate Head Office of HLL Lifecare Limited at Poojapura, Trivandrum for HLL Lifecare Limited.
Single Living Accommodation
Provision of Deficient Single Living Accommodation for Officers at INS Dronacharya, Fort Kochi for Military Engineer Services.
Multi-Disciplinary Research Laboratory Building
Construction of Multi-Disciplinary Research Laboratory Building and Animal House at Government Medical College, Trivandrum for HLL Lifecare Ltd.
Deficient Single Living Accommodation
Provision of Deficient Single Living Accommodation for Trainee Sailors of Seamanship School Sagar Prahari Bal and NOIC at Naval Base, Kochi under the Chief Engineer (NW), Military Engineer Services.
Deficient Single Living Accommodation for Trainee Officers
Provision of Deficient Single Living Accommodation for Trainee Officers (18 LTs, 36 Lt.CDRs, 54 LTs and Servant Accommodation) at Naval Base,Kochi under the Chief Engineer (NW), Military Engineer Services.
Provision of Deficient Single LivingAccommodation
Provision of Deficient Single LivingAccommodation for Trainee Officers (128 Offrs.) at Naval Base, Kochiunder the Chief Engineer (NW), Military Engineer Services.
Reconstruction of certain CPOs Married Accommodation
11. Demolition and Reconstruction of certain CPOs Married Accommodation at SMA, Naval Base, Kochi under the Chief Engineer (NW), Military Engineer Services.
C.A. No.CE(NEW)/KOCHI/08 of 2022-2023
Addn/Altn and Special Repairs To Viswanathn Building (P-5) at Dharamvir Enclve, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi
Completion of incomplete Works for construction of Warehouse at MO(K), Naval Base, Kochi
covered by Contract Agreement C.A.No.CE(NW)KOCHI/04 of 2023-2024